Research in science, an ocean of opportunities
‘Physics’ is the science of modeling the universe around us, and then examining and manipulating it. Those models so that we get a better knowledge of how the universe works. ‘Engineering’ is the discipline of applying physics models to real work in order to accomplish the desired result. ‘Technology is the by-product or perhaps the result of physics and engineering. So, we can see Physics is very important to technology because, without it, we would lack the understanding we require about our universe to eventually develop the technology. Physics and Technology are very much related. Physics deal with the understanding of the natural world, while technology aims to apply this understanding to the man-made world. Technology might even be considered the offspring of physics. The world wide web, laser, superconductors, and semiconductors that form the foundations of our modern technology were all invented by ‘Physicists’. Technically Engineering has applied Physics. Physics is ...