Value based Quality propositions In Education

 Medi-caps University always endeavors to spread the light of knowledge across the regions. The value-based quality education provides a strong foundation to our legacy. As soon as I started my journey as an academician I have been thinking about the art of education. During one of the faculty development programs I attended each participant was asked to say in a sentence something about their interest. Without hesitation, I replied, "I touch the future. I teach".

When I ponder what is happening in some education institutes, I get disappointed. Having a degree doesn’t give people power. Real power is being able to make the choice between good or evil, life, and death, between empowerment and nurturing of people or putting people down. Education is too often viewed as the exit route to a better lifestyle rather than the beginning of a journey, which will take a lifetime.

We at Medicaps university believe that “Education shapes the destiny of mankind” and the quality of life in depth cannot be achieved unless the human society is empowered with the input of knowledge and technology. But evolution is possible only if it is properly blended with character building and developments. The value-based quality proposition in education includes a greater range of human talent and a much more inclusive number of human beings. It is an education that simply liberates. Medi-caps University is pioneering in conceiving this thought as we have organized many AICTE approve Faculty Development Programs on Universal Human Values.

Mahatma Gandhi cited the major structural and collective sins of our time:

1. Politic without principles.
2. Wealth without work.
3. Pleasure without conscience.
4. Knowledge without character.
5. Commerce without morality.
6. Worship without sacrifice.
7. Science and technology without humanity.

 In the present environment, success is defined by the power of the wealth that one holds. All the symbols, ranging from who occupies the best office, to the size of the paycheque, In this context, we can easily figure out that the missing link is the value based quality of the education system and at Medicaps University our endeavor is to inculcate this philosophy into our system.

The Course of the education system

Life discovers its own course and the same has been applicable to our education system. But ‘life’ is not the mere existence but about becoming more evolved human beings

We expect that a value-based quality education system should produce an educated person who apart from possessing specialized knowledge and skills like reading, writing, talking and puzzle-solving should also be

Rigor and truth-seeking: A truly educated person loves to learn. True rigor is noble, good but it is also dangerous if it is not placed at the service of a larger vision that also renders it humane. We must never forget that the gas chambers of Europe were invented by the educated.

Tolerant and humble: The liberally educated person opposes parochialism and celebrates the wider world. Encourage students to travel, to embrace new cultures while honoring their own, to respect diversity.

Strive to make the world a better place: Learning to get things done in the world in order to leave it in a better shape is one of the practical implications of education. As the great Dr. Albert Schweitzer, the accomplished concert organist, theologian, missionary, and the medical doctor said "You may have a great education, you may have the name of a great college behind you, you have great careers ahead of you, but if you do not block out at least a small part of your life to give to others, you will never be truly happy."

 Nurtures and empowers: No one ever acts alone. The achievement of power, the exercise of talent, the celebration of diversity is the recognition that the triumph of one is in fact the triumph of all.

Value-based education is about nurturing the human spirit, exploring human freedom, and realizing that education is never really complete. In the act of exercising our freedom, we do so in such a way as to make a difference in our world. Education without ethics is arrogant and dangerous. Actions sound louder than the words .so rather than only sticking to facilitate the bookish knowledge we should practice real-time training and ethics in our behavior with a rigorous use of intellect.

If we who are in the business of educating the young want to measure and assess our efforts we need to look at how our institutions nurture human freedom in the service of humanity. 

I invite all the students and other valuable stakeholders to join hands with Medi-Caps University in this noble endeavor of Medi-Caps University.

Dr. Harish B. Bapat

Professor & Dean

Faculty of Management & Commerce


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