Explaining Physics Through Examples

 Today a teacher cannot guarantee that the student will be able know the things only when he delivers. Lot of online resources are available to get the things known. The pedagogy of a faculty how he teaches matters a lot. Examples have always played a central role in the development and the teaching of Physics. This blog reports on importance of faculties choice and uses of examples in elementary physics teaching. Selecting an appropriate example become a challenging task with faculties pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) being a determining factor in the process of selecting and using examples. Faculty often enter their classrooms with thousands of hours of experience in their chosen field, and they typically face students who have little to no experience with that field of study. In this way, faculty may take for granted all that they know and are able to do. In a sense, they expect students to “get inside their head.” One of the joys of teaching is finding ways to take complex topics and present them in such a way that students begin their own journey of discovery. Generally speaking, students learn through explanation, example, and experience. Unfortunately, faculties sometimes rely too much on explaining the knowledge, lingo, and methodologies of their discipline, all of which can sound like a foreign language to their students. Examples and illustrations are powerful ways to broaden and deepen student learning. One of the challenges facing faculties is selecting the most effective examples and knowing when and how to best use them.

Goals and Objectives

1. To convert teaching into learning.

2. To establish an effective pedagogy for teaching.

3. To make students attend the classes regularly.

 Director (IQAC)

 Dean (Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences)


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